
4th September 2024 | Robert Sluka | 0 comments

On nutrients and renewal

By Robert Sluka When guests visit us in Titusville, Florida we often suggest a “good news” trip to Orlando Wetlands Park. Created to mitigate errors in the past, it filters […]

Categories: Reflections Stories
4th June 2024 | Annemarthe Westerbeek | 0 comments

Praying for bees

Have you ever prayed for animals or anything else in nature? I hadn’t until recently.  At our church, a small neighbourhood congregation in the city of Utrecht, every Wednesday we […]

Categories: Uncategorized
2nd May 2024 | Ramona Tang | 0 comments

Bird Song

Of late, I have really come to appreciate the birdsong that I can hear outside my window at home. Every morning now when I wake up, I give thanks to […]

Categories: Reflections
6th February 2024 | Debbie Wright | 0 comments

City homes for all

‘Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.’  Psalm 127:1 I would probably describe […]

Categories: Uncategorized
4th December 2023 | Joy-Elizabeth Lawrence | 0 comments

Advent consolation

Come, thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set thy people free. From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in thee. Israel’s strength and consolation, Hope of […]

Categories: Reflections