
Prarthi really loves amphibians and reptiles—being particularly passionate about frogs and snakes. Curiously, however, she currently serves with the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) Singapore as a campus staffworker. As she goes about life, she desires to seek right relationships, and invite others to do likewise, wherever God has called us. If not meeting with her students or staff, you would find Prarthi either buried in a book, taking a jog, or scouting for useful reduce-to-clear groceries.

29th February 2020 | Rachel Mander | 0 comments

Facing the Future: Perspective

A friend this week asked me why I love the sky so much (‘I do mean that question genuinely’, they said). It gave me pause because I hadn’t considered my love of the sky to be overly notable. I also hadn’t actually ever given thought to the reasons why I do, in fact, love the sky.

Categories: Facing the Future
Tags: future Psalms sky
30th June 2014 | Dave Bookless | 6 comments

King David – eco-poet

David was a man of contrasts and often contradictions: shepherd boy and powerful King; mighty warrior and sensitive poet; saint, sinner and song-writer. One striking thing about the Psalms attributed to David is the nature writing they contain. Here are just a few.