
Peter and Miranda moved to Portugal in 1983 to establish and run A Rocha’s first field study centre. Together with their four children they lived at the centre for twelve years until 1995 when the work was given over to national leadership. They then moved to establish A Rocha France’s first centre near Arles, and lived there until 2010, providing coordination and giving leadership to the rapidly growing global movement. They are now back in the UK from where they work to support the A Rocha family around the world while being closer to their own, and not least their grandchildren. Their story is told in Under the Bright Wings (1993) and Kingfisher’s Fire (2008).

31st May 2013 | Dave Bookless | 6 comments

Finding our ecological niche

Every species on earth has its ecological niche, where it can find resources to meet its needs. We humans are able to live in almost any of this planet’s ecosystems. As we have succeeded, so we have moulded the planet to our specific needs. Does this mean that we are some kind of planetary super-predator, and have no ecological niche? Or, does it suggest that whilst we may call ourselves Homo ‘sapiens’, we are failing to be wise?

Categories: Reflections
31st March 2012 | Dave Bookless | 17 comments

Are humans the virus species?

In The Matrix, Agent Smith says, “Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague.” The idea of humans as a virus species is becoming increasingly widespread. No part of the planet is left untouched as we swarm over it, multiplying, polluting, consuming, destroying. Yet most Christians react in horror at the idea. Surely we are ‘made in the image of God’?

Categories: Questions