
4th June 2024 | Annemarthe Westerbeek | 0 comments

Praying for bees

Have you ever prayed for animals or anything else in nature? I hadn’t until recently.  At our church, a small neighbourhood congregation in the city of Utrecht, every Wednesday we […]

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6th February 2024 | Debbie Wright | 0 comments

City homes for all

‘Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.’  Psalm 127:1 I would probably describe […]

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5th July 2023 | Florence Muindi | 0 comments

Embracing change

2023 is A Rocha’s 40th year. It is also a year of change. As a trustee of A Rocha International, I was on the panel interviewing and selecting a new […]

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31st December 2019 | Dave Bookless | 4 comments

A harrowing time

It’s not a word I used much previously, but ‘harrowing’ sums up the experience of the last weeks and months. To my mind it has connotations of deep emotional scarring and agonizing pain; perhaps because a harrow is a farming implement with metal blades, dragged across a field to break up and smooth out the soil.

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